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5 Costs To Expect With A Traditional Sale of Your Columbia House

If you want to make an educated decision about which sales method is best for your home and your situation, it’s best to compare all of your options. So read on as we explore five costs you can expect with a traditional sale of your Columbia house.


You should expect to spend around one percent of the home’s sales price on prepping costs with a traditional sale of your Columbia house, depending on the home’s condition and how outdated the home’s decor and style may be. However, suppose significant renovations are in the works to bring the property more in line with the demands of today’s buyers. In that case, you may be spending tens of thousands to bring the highest potential profit from the property. However, you can skip all the expenses, work, and time spent prepping by selling directly to a local professional home buyer like those at Cash Home Buyers. You won’t even pay any commissions.


Marketing is required to bring buyers to your door and is another cost you can expect with a traditional sale of your Columbia house. However, there’s no need to pay the fees to professional stagers, photographers, or videographers to meet the demands of the digital online real estate marketplace when you sell directly to a professional home buyer like those at Cash Home Buyers. In addition, selling directly to Cash Home Buyers alleviates the constant pressure of keeping your home tidied up perfectly at all times. As a result, you can start enjoying your evenings and weekends again, leaving everything where it is until moving day, bypassing showings, and having to rush your family and pets out the door.


The costs of owning the property that continue to roll in monthly and any unexpected repairs, referred to as holding costs, can add up quickly with a traditional sale of your Columbia house. At the same time, your initial targeted profits dwindle. By selling directly to a professional home buyer, like those at Cash Home Buyers, your guaranteed closing can be within a few weeks or less, ending the slow leak of funds in holding costs. Ask about the flexibility Cash Home Buyers has with the closing date, should there be a specific calendar day that works best for you!


Repair costs can come into play with a traditional sale of your Columbia house, which is why so many sellers dread the inspection phase of the process and potentially spend thousands on repairs because of contingencies in the contract. However, by selling directly to a professional home buyer like those at Cash Home Buyers, you’ll be able to rest easy tonight and forget about passing the inspection because we buy homes as-is for cash.


Closing costs are something else you can expect with a traditional sale of your Columbia house. However, selling directly to a professional home buyer like those at Cash Home Buyers means you won’t pay any closing costs.

A professional home buyer at Cash Home Buyers will detail the profits and costs you can expect with a traditional sale of your Columbia house vs. a direct sale. At Cash Home Buyers, our professional home buyers offer complete transparency because we’re your neighbors who live and work alongside you in Columbia, and we want you to feel good about the deal long after closing. Talk to one of our professional home buyers at Cash Home Buyers about the hurdles you feel stand in your way and how we can help you over them. At Cash Home Buyers, the goal of our professional home buyers is for you to make the most profit on the sale while meeting demands on your time and finances. Call Cash Home Buyers at (803) 889-0840.

Ben Lovro

Ben Lovro is an entrepreneur with a vision to improve neighborhoods and revitalize the communities that we live in. He has a clear passion for people and has developed effective strategies and real estate solutions in todays rapidly changing market. He is committed to being a lifelong student of Success Strategies and Leadership. Knowing what you want is perhaps the most important step in self-development; this takes much persistence and self examination. Once your desire to serve God overwhelms all other desires, you begin to step into your purpose and your mission in life changes. To be fulfilled in life you have to grow. The art of fulfillment is what develops our life into an expression for others to follow. Some of our greatest moments come from facing our fears and doing the things that scare us the most. You have been given one life, and one chance to tell your story. It's never too late to become the person that want to be.

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