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6 Tips For Moving Long Distance That Will Make Your Life Easier – Cash Home Buyers

Moving can be tough no matter how far you are going. But moving a long distance can add additional stresses and a sense that you are jumping into the unknown.

To keep the process as easy and manageable as possible, we’ve put together some great tips for moving a long distance in SC.

1) Pack like a pro:

Tips For Moving Long Distance - packingThere are many clever tricks you can utilize to pack your possessions efficiently. If it makes sense in your situation, wrap up your clothes in dresser drawers. Don’t leave any loose space in boxes.

Pack items within each other. For example, put your silverware inside your Tupperware. Wrap linens and towels up in black trash bags, and use them to pad boxes.

It might not be glamorous, but it is a great way to be efficient, and efficiency is key when preparing for a big move.

2) Downsize: 

There is no better time than now to purge your belongings for your fresh start. Even if the new house is similar in style, you are not going to want to bring it all with you. If it isn’t something you absolutely love, now is the time to sell it or give it away.

Often times people move with all their possessions, only to find months later they are still surrounded by boxes they have never unpacked. If it’s not something you love or need, you probably aren’t going to miss it very much.

Also, if furniture costs more to ship than it’s worth, you might want to consider leaving it behind.

3) Take heed when hiring movers:

Always keep sentimental items and valuables, such as jewelry, with you if possible. For items of value, that you won’t be moving on your own, have the items insured in case they become lost or damaged.

Make sure to mark boxes with name and address as many big moving companies will move several families items on one big truck.

4) If possible, drive your car:

See the county (or state) and make it an adventure. Shipping a car can be expensive and can have ambiguous dates of arrival. Many shipping companies wait until they have many cars to move, before getting your car loaded up and on the road. Being in a new city, without transportation will get very frustrating, very fast.

Being in a new city, without transportation will get very frustrating, very fast.

5) Be prepared to buy some new things:

As with any move, there are always things you will inevitably need when moving into your new home. Think a new dish drainer, silverware organizer, paper towel holder and other similar items.

Plan ahead and stash a little cash away for these purchases. You don’t want to add any additional stress to the move by worrying about buying the little things you will need to make your house a home.

6) Be patient and give it a week or two:

When you find yourself in a new town, it is more than just physically settling into your new house. You must settle in emotionally too. It will take a couple of weeks to really feel comfortable in your new town.

Get to know the area, and do some exploring. Be patient and you will feel right at home in no time.

Are you looking to relocate without any stress? Give Cash Home Buyers a call now at (803) 889-0840 or fill out this form, and we will be in touch right away!


Ben Lovro

Ben Lovro is an entrepreneur with a vision to improve neighborhoods and revitalize the communities that we live in. He has a clear passion for people and has developed effective strategies and real estate solutions in todays rapidly changing market. He is committed to being a lifelong student of Success Strategies and Leadership. Knowing what you want is perhaps the most important step in self-development; this takes much persistence and self examination. Once your desire to serve God overwhelms all other desires, you begin to step into your purpose and your mission in life changes. To be fulfilled in life you have to grow. The art of fulfillment is what develops our life into an expression for others to follow. Some of our greatest moments come from facing our fears and doing the things that scare us the most. You have been given one life, and one chance to tell your story. It's never too late to become the person that want to be.

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