Every investor will find their own path to success. They will discover the tools that work for them and that help to do things quickly and accurately. There are several websites you will see people go to again and again. You list might differ, but here are a few of our favorites. If you are ready to start investing in Columbia, here are 5 excellent websites you should check out now!
#1: Inman
Inman is a news source for agents and brokers that delivers the latest news and market trends in the real estate world. While real estate professionals may find themselves on the website daily, the site is also a fantastic resource for investors and potential property buyers. Inman is a great resource to find local real estate events and networking opportunities. Many investors make Inman part of their daily morning reading.
#2: Urban Land Institute
The Urban Land Institute is the oldest and largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate and land use experts in the world. The website provides news, forecasts and meeting information. Members of ULI are located in cities across the world. Many real estate professionals rely on ULI for up to date news and land use guidelines. To get the most out of the site, sign up to be a member and participate in future land use discussions worldwide!
#3: Bigger Pockets
Bigger Pockets offers millions of pages of real estate-related content. Articles are submitted from real estate professionals from all over the world. You can often get lost going from one article to the next. In addition to all of the educational resources, the site also acts as a networking site for like-minded people to come together and talk all things real estate. The site is completely free and used by thousands of people every day. To increase your exposure, consider submitting articles of your own! Sharing your articles on sites like Linked In can take your networking even further and help to establish your credibility in the real estate world.
#4: Google Alerts
This is more of a tool than a website, but it is highly beneficial to investors who want to stay in the know. You can set an alert for any words or subject you are interested in. Google alert scans the internet for your desired content. Your results will include videos, blogs, articles and more. You can choose to receive a summary email of new content once a day or once a week. Whenever works best for you.Consider setting alerts that are generalized as well as others that are targeted to your local area. Whenever new content is added in your town, you will be the first to know about it.
#5: Your Local Property Appraiser
Every investor and real estate professional should be familiar with their county’s property appraiser site. Each country will have their own. On these sites, you can typically find value history, ownership information, zoning info and more. Many county sites are equipped with GIS Mapping features. You simply click on your desired parcel, and can immediately get all of the property’s information. Investors, potential buyers, and agents should know their county sites intimately.